Approvals & Quality control at Envirolyte


All our products are subject to rigorous quality control during manufacture and exhaustive testing before they leave the factory. Only in this way can we ensure that customers will receive products of the highest quality. The quality systems of Envirolyte Industries International Ltd. have been certified against the international standard ISO 9001.2015

The quality system has been certified by Bureau Veritas Certification Denmark A/S. The accredited certification body has verified that the organization and all the functions of Evirolyte Industries International Ltd. fulfil the requirements stated in the standard ISO 9001.2008



Envirolyte anolyte generators are qualified as electrolysis system to NSF/ANSI Standard 61: Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects.

Certification to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 ensures that Envirolyte products meet the regulatory requirements for the U.S. and Canada, and they can often meet or fulfill the testing requirements for many other countries as well.

NSF certification as a mark of distinction provides Envirolyte customers with assurance that Envirolyte products are safe for use in drinking water.


NSF/ANSI 61 testing covers all components with drinking water contact from source to tap, and determines that no contaminants may migrate or leach from Envirolyte product into drinking water. It also confirms that they are below the maximum levels allowed to be considered safe.



Industry Approvals & Assessments


Envirolyte® ANK-Anolyte

MPI - Approved and Recognised Dairy Maintenance Compound (Farm & Factory):

✔ Approval for use as a “Sanitiser” in farm Dairies

✔ Recognition for use as a potable water treatment (farm & factory)

✔ “MPI Approved for use in farm dairies”

Envirolyte® K-Catholyte

Envirolyte® K-Catholyte Cleaner for the purpose of cleaning the milking plant.

Our Anolyte and Catholyte are the only Electrolysed Water products Approved and / or Recognised on the official MPI Register below:

MPI Register of approved & recognised dairy maintenance compounds

AsureQuality Assessed, ref # H2610 – 23/4/19

Multiple positive assessments, including:

✔ For food / beverage / dairy / factory for food contact surfaces (indirect contact) and potable process/bottled water and food rinse water (including farm dairies)


Envirolyte® ANK-Anolyte

MPI - Non-Dairy Approvals include:

C23 - sanitiser for use in premises processing all animal product except dairy. May be used in edible areas after rinse.

C43 - for use in premises processing all animal product except dairy. May be used as a no-rinse sanitiser on clean hard surfaces in licensed fish processing premises.

C51 - sanitiser for use in premises processing all animal product except dairy. May be used as a hand washing and sanitising compound in all areas.

C61 - sanitiser for use in premises processing all animal product except dairy. Permitted in potable water.

C104 - sanitiser for use in premises processing all animal product except dairy. May be used to sanitise whole shell eggs.

AsureQuality Assessed, ref # H2610 – 23/4/19

Multiple positive assessments, including:

✔ For food / beverage / dairy / factory for food contact surfaces (indirect contact) and potable process/bottled water and food rinse water (including farm dairies)

Envirolyte® K-Catholyte

MPI - Non-Dairy Approvals include:

C23 - Cleaner for use in premises processing all animal product except dairy. May be used in edible areas after rinse.

C38 - Cleaner for use in premises processing all animal product except dairy. May be used as a general cleaner.

C63 - Cleaner for use in premises processing all animal product except dairy. May be used for treating boilers and steam lines where the steam produced may contact edible product.




Envirolyte anolyte was revealed to be as effective as NaClO at significantly reducing the presence of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria (in this study, E. coli, L. monocytogenes, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus). Envirolyte anolyte has the advantage of being safer than NaClO and easier to handle. Hence, it represents an advantageous alternative for the disinfection of surfaces in the food industry.


Institute of Food Research and Analysis, University of Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela, Spain